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First Place Race Car Driver — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis
Hello…and I hope you had a great weekend and you are ready for another red, black and white version of my whimsical journaling cards and elements. I have stepped away from my vintage theme and attempted a journaling card design with plenty of contrast in color and design. I used some high contrast graphic elements with the checkerboard design.
As for the details about the freebie, there are four journaling cards plus a few elements for a total of 30 elements. As always, they can either be used for journaling in your project life projects or other type of memory keeping.
This free printable has 30 elements on an 8 1/2″ by 11″ pdf file. The file size is less than 100 KB. They were created at 300 dpi and I designed most of the clip art and other elements.
I have also included a little extra word art snippets and a new element , a few paperclip flags, some elements that I saw on Pinterest. These are not for sale from the original designer, so I designed my own. I tried these out with a couple of my own paperclips and really liked the result.
This set will coordinate with my first whimsical set. (The link is at the bottom of the blog post.)
How to Use this “Journaling Cards” Printable:
There are a few ways you can use this printable to create your journaling cards and elements and I have included a few in the following instructions:
- The easiest way to use this printable is to print it out on a full sheet of white cardstock and if you own a Silhouette Cameo or Silhouette Portrait or other digital cutter you can cut out the journaling cards and journaling elements using their designer software. ( **Please note: You must have the Silhouette Designer Edition software upgrade to open pdfs in your Silhouette. There are several pdf to jpg converters online if your software just can’t open a pdf. You will have to spend some time creating the cutlines for the silhouette but this should make creating the cutfile and cutting it out a lot easier.)
- The most labor intensive (or time consuming) way is to print out the journaling cards or journaling elements on 65 lb. white cardstock and “fussy cut” out by hand, I have spaced the elements so that you can use a pair of good craft scissors or a slide paper trimmer to get a clean cut and handle the fussy cutting.
Thanks for your Pinterest repins and Social Media mentions…
I’d like to say thanks for all those taking the time to comment, I sure appreciate the gracious “thank yous” and the legitimate “link love”.
I am honored to be part of your re-pins on your Pinterest boards in the ranks with other much more established designers. I just can’t thank you enough! If you can take time out of your busy day, I appreciate your constructive feedback.
As usual these freebies are free for personal use, (check my TOU if you haven’t previously.) If you have been here before, you know the drill. If not, you might want to read the quick TOU before you access the printable.
Terms of Use
*Vintage Glam Collectibles or Vintage Glam Studio printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
*You may not re-sell, redistribute, or claim them as your own.
*Please do not remove the watermark or modify the design in any way.
*If you post this on the internet, please give credit to Vintage Glam Collectibles & link back to my blog, so others can obtain the resources. Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook are great social media sharing platforms, it’s the sharing without a link back that can be a problem.
You can access the pdf file>>> Speedway Journaling Cards. Or if you like, click on the picture below for the download. Hope you like them! 🙂
Image Credit:
Header image, courtesy of Microsoft images.
Most of my elements are made from Commercial use or public domain sources, however if any designer feels their copyright has been infringed upon the freebie will promptly be removed and the freebie will no longer be available. Designers vary in their restrictions for their terms of use (even for CU items), so although I try to be scrupulous, I may miss some.