Hello, everyone. I hope you have been enjoying your week and are prepared ( as best you can be) as we approach the holiday weekend! Just want to wish all moms a Happy Mother’s Day! I hope your day is fully of joy and pleasant memories.
Today’s post is a video sneak preview of a cut file, I will be releasing soon. The vid also includes some cut file samples. If you have been viewing my Instagram pics, I use a few samples of those die cuts in my images, but sometimes the individual image is not showcased. However, the image in this video is completely different and shows the cut file on a white plain background with three different patterns, so that you can get an idea of what it will look like.
I hope you are finding these vids helpful and informative and that they give you an idea of what I am working on. The file is free for personal non-commercial use only. I designed this word cut file myself and the copyright belongs to me. Your free to use it for all personal scrapbooking and other papercrafts. Most of all, I hope you enjoy it!