Hello peeps! Just wanted to give you an update on what’s going on behind the scenes regarding the tech update I gave you just after Christmas Day!
This is a short explanation as to why I am sending out this post, to give you an update as to where I am today. I am going to just give you a Cliff’s note version because I think so much of what I’ve learned in the last six weeks is applicable to anyone working from home on work assignments or on a side hustle and you need to review tools and equipment to equip your home office.
The Back Story
It was the day after Christmas 2020, that my trusty Dell Windows 10 laptop completely died! After doing a few system checks, I thought it was the battery, so I purchased a new one (from Amazon since I have Amazon Prime) and proceeded to crack open my laptop and replace it.
Note: Here’s an actual picture of the little workhorse laptop, I had been testing the difference between the picture quality of an Android camera and a DSLR when I snapped this pic.
After trying several options with no success, I determined I would put it aside and decided to go ahead and purchase a new one. That process had its own set of problems and issues because it was time to upgrade as my Photoshop CC subscription was already letting me know that my laptop was unable to be upgraded to their new 2021 version.
I knew I needed a laptop with a faster processor and more memory (RAM). That is the challenge when working with design or video programs/ software. One needs awesome computing power, to handle the large files and file transfer. I knew it was time to upgrade anyway.
Mac OS X or Windows 10?
After some research, I was persuaded and convinced it was time to upgrade to a Macbook Pro, and meanwhile, I had borrowed a boy friend’s IMAC to get the work done for this blog.
I was immediately immersed in all things MAC. I also took advantage of the time, to sharpen my skills on Adobe Illustrator CC. I ordered my first laptop but it had an issue with the retina display, so I had to set up the return and purchase another one!
The freezing weather also contributed to delays in shipping. Needless to say, I have had an intense immersion in learning the MAC OS environment and Windows 10 as well, these past weeks. I was able to recover the hard drive on my “dead” laptop but that is an interesting story of “recovery” on it’s own.
This has been an enormous learning experience for me, I haven’t had such intense software, hardware and system “fix it” time, since I worked for the school district. However, since so much of it is being resolved, I will be sharing tips and tricks I learned on my journey in the future.
Meanwhile, I wanted to post this video to say hello to so many of my new blog visitors and followers. Yes, there is a real person behind this blog and I just wanted to say “hi” and let you know what’s going on behind the scenes!
Thanks to so many of you who are giving correct attribution to my printables on Instagram and on Youtube. I appreciate that you are sharing my printables and letting others know where they can access them.
Meanwhile, I will be going back to the drawing board “literally”. Thanks,