It’s a long story as to why I like chickens and roosters, and a kind of quaint one; however, the relative who used to raise them wouldn’t appreciate my sharing all the details of the story, so until I get clearance from that corner I’ll just keep it at that.
I found this following vintage graphic image as a public domain item, digitally cropped it and cleaned it up. It is saved as a .png file ( I know all you savvy digital scrappers know that a .png file is an image file with a transparent background).
Unfortunately, the chickens were standing in grass so their feet look a little rough and I didn’t have time to crop out the feet and/or add fake grass. And the rooster’s comb and wattle (actually had to look those up) are more of a brighter red. The preview pic is only at 72 dpi!
The actual image is 709 px by 535 px and once you click on the image another tab will open on your browser in order to download it from my Photobucket Google Drive storage. The image will display and you can pretty much save the file, by using the “Save As” function in Microsoft Windows.
Please read my TOU (terms of use) page before downloading. Disregard the white background in the screenshot, that’s just the way Photobucket Google Drive displays their images.
If you notice the screenshot shows the dialog box showing the .png extension. I hope that that clears up any confusion.
While I am still debating as to where to set up my image downloads in order to make it the most accessible to those who are interested, I’m going to test this on my Photobucket account for now. In the near future, I plan to upload larger files elsewhere. I hope you enjoy it!
I can’t wait to hear your chicken story! We have several chickens, and we ended up with two roosters — we’re trying to give one of them away before major violence happens 🙂 Love chickens!
I can say this much…the chickens were beautiful black and white japanese bantam variety chickens with a bright red crest. Very much like the chickens in this link Really beautiful.