Happy first weekend of the New Year!…so today I have released 2015’s doodled floral annual calendar so that you can get ready for all your planning for this year. This year, I have added a few more floral doodles in the header area and adjusted the layout a bit.
It just seems even as one is celebrating and wrapping up the holiday decor, what immediately comes to mind is looking forward to all the tools you need to handle all the planning and organization for this year.
So, I designed this organization freebie in order to get a bird’s eye view of the year all on one page and decorated it with a variety of doodled flowers. The font for the calendar is Arial, the week begins on Sunday and all weekends are in light grey.
I have a board on Pinterest you might want to follow that has several ideas by other designers for Home Office Planning , stationery and Filofax planner needs. You can view that board here, Home Office | Planners & Stationery Favs.
Also, I have revamped my summary “types of lists” graphic (an idea spurred by a pin on Pinterest, of course) that I have included here just as a reminder to spur all the ideas you will probably write into your individual planners.
Facts about the freebie:
- This free printable was designed on an 8 1/2″ by 11″ pdf file.
- The file size is less than 500KB.
- These elements were created at 300 dpi, so your printing results should be very clear and sharp.
- Printing tip: I would adjust the printing quality on your printer in order that you do not get an excessive amount of ink saturation if you plan to use regular office paper as this freebie is at 300 dpi.
- Color scheme: black, white, light grey
Thank You for all your Pinterest and other social media pins…
I have not as yet completed all the traffic numbers from last year but the initial information looks really good. I can’t say it enough times…Thank you!
I’d also like to say thanks to all those taking the time to comment, I sure appreciate the gracious “thank yous” and the legitimate “link love” . I know you don’t always have time to leave a comment because you are busy, so I really appreciate it when blog visitors take the time to either like or comment.
Thank you for your single pins and for some of you, multiple pins of my various designs on Pinterest as well as Facebook links. I also appreciate mentions in your blogs with appropriate link backs and active links.
As usual these freebies are free for personal use, (check my TOU if you haven’t previously.) If you have been here before, you know the drill and all this extra content might be a little tiresome (sorry, but we want newcomers to get a hang of what needs to be done to access their freebie!). If not, you might want to read the quick TOU below before you access the printable.
Terms of Use
Some things you should know before downloading:
* Vintage Glam Studio printables ) are for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
*You may not re-sell, redistribute, or claim the original or derivative designs as your own.
*Please do not remove the watermark or modify the design in any way other than for your own Personal use.
*If you post this on the internet, please give credit to Vintage Glam Studio & link back to my blog, so others can obtain the resources. Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook are great social media sharing platforms, it’s the sharing without a link back that can be a problem.
You can access the pdf file>>> Doodled Annual Calendar 2015. Or if you like, click on the picture below for the download.
Thank you for sharing your amazing and inspiring designs!
You are welcome. And thanks for such a kind comment! Here’s looking to more inspiration in 2015!
Gosh, this is soooo pretty! Thanks so much for this free annual calendar printable.
I’d also like to thank you for all of your other printables. I have quietly been using a lot of your templates, but now I want to take the time to thank you properly.
I appreciate your generosity and your creativity as well as your hard work.
Have a good week!
so beautiful! I loved!
Tão lindo! Eu amei!
Merci beaucoup!!!! Belle journée!
Merci beaucoup! Thank you very much.