Hello blog followers and visitors! I hope you are doing well and ready for my first “project life” or pocketbook journaling freebie layout design on this new site. I’ve been thinking about summer travel and thought I would come up with a freebie that might jump start your plans. The design has a vintage twist with a turquoise color theme.
Hope you like the new, revised website and stay tuned for more tweaks that hopefully will make it a lot easier to find the freebies you’d like to use for your crafting /chillaxing time.
As for the details about today’s freebie, there are 14 elements in all. You have 4 travel journaling cards (3″ x 4″) and a few more labels. As always, they can either be used for journaling in your project life projects, smashbooks, art journals or other types of memory keeping. And, that goes for you Filofax/planner fans, as well.
Facts about the freebie:
- This free printable has 14 elements on an 8 1/2″ by 11″ pdf file.
- The file size is medium hefty at 5.04 MB.
- These elements were created at 300 dpi, so your printing results should be very clear and sharp with a smooth lay down of the ink color. The preview pictures both on the blog and on Google are at 72 dpi, so you often can not see all the detail accurately or colors are often distorted.
- Color scheme: turquoise, black
Thank you for all your Pinterest and other social media pins…
I’d like to say thanks to all those taking the time to comment, I sure appreciate the gracious “thank yous” and the legitimate “link love”. I have been nearly overwhelmed with the positive response from blog followers and blog visitors.
Thank you for your pins on Pinterest as well as Facebook links. I also appreciate mentions in your blogs with appropriate link backs and active links. Many of you have been kind enough to feature some of my designs on your blogs and that has contributed to the increased traffic.
I hope you don’t mind when I check out your Pinterest boards, and repin some of your pins to some of my Pinterest boards, these pins usually provide inspiration for new designs of my own! You guys and gals often find things I don’t often run into and it just serves to expand and generate new ideas.
Terms of Use:
As usual these freebies are free for personal use, (check my TOU if you haven’t previously.) If you have been here before, you know the drill. If not, you might want to read the quick TOU below before you access the printable.
Some things you should know before downloading:
* Vintage Glam Studio printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
*You may not re-sell, redistribute, or claim the original or derivative designs as your own.
*Please do not remove the watermark or modify the design in any way other than for your own Personal use.
*If you post this on the internet, please give credit to Vintage Glam Studio & link back to my blog (www.vintageglamstudio.com), so others can obtain the resources. Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook are great social media sharing platforms, it’s the sharing without a link back that can be a problem.
You can access the pdf file On the Go Journaling Elements.
Or if you like, click on the picture below for the download.
So, enjoy! 🙂
Thanks for the spring treat!
You’re welcome. Thanks for stopping by!
I want to thank you for the free printables…I am using themat “yourpaperpantry.ning.com” on a happy mail art project
Can’t wait to use these–love the color (the blue with the black) and the graphics!
I sure luv that turquoise!. Really working hard to come up with some original designs. 🙂
Thanks – these are great!
Thanks so much for the freebie!
these are so neat ! thank you very much ! I shared the link here : https://www.facebook.com/LMIlesptitscadeauxPL and there : http://www.pinterest.com/lemondedis/project-life-freebies/