Hello, blog visitors and followers…It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog post as I had a major event to deal with and wasn’t able to get to my regular posting schedule.
Also, I was in the midst of some major changes for this blog, so all these factors had contributed to my seeming absence. I hope you will like the new changes for this blog as I am able to roll them out.
In any case for today’s freebie, I still have been working on planning tools and this is just a simple goals planner for 2014 in two flavors, if you will. Enjoy!
Facts about the freebies:
- This free printable goals planner was designed on an 8 1/2″ by 11″ pdf file.
- The file size is less than 1 MB.
- These elements were created at 300 dpi, so your printing results should be very clear and sharp.
- Printing tip: I would adjust the printing quality on your printer in order that you do not get an excessive amount of ink saturation if you plan to use regular office paper as this freebie is at 300 dpi.
- Color scheme: black, white, light grey, light blue
Thank You for all your Pinterest and other social media pins…
I’d also like to say thanks to all those taking the time to comment, I sure appreciate the gracious “thank yous” and the legitimate “link love” . I know you don’t always have time to leave a comment because you are busy, so I really appreciate it when blog visitors take the time to either like or comment.
Thank you for your single pins and for some of you, multiple pins of my various designs on Pinterest as well as Facebook links. I also appreciate mentions in your blogs with appropriate link backs and active links.
I hope you don’t mind when I check out your Pinterest boards, and repin some of your pins to some of my Pinterest boards, these pins usually provide inspiration for new designs of my own!
As usual these freebies are free for personal use, (check my TOU if you haven’t previously.) If you have been here before, you know the drill and all this extra content might be a little tiresome (sorry, but we want newcomers to get a hang of what needs to be done to access their freebie!). If not, you might want to read the quick TOU below before you access the printable.
Terms of Use
Some things you should know before downloading:
* Vintage Glam Studio printables (formerly under the name Vintage Glam Collectibles) are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. (I own the domains for both names and will be dedicating this blog to more design related articles and printables.)
*You may not re-sell, redistribute, or claim the original or derivative designs as your own.
*Please do not remove the watermark or modify the design in any way other than for your own Personal use.
*If you post this on the internet, please give credit to Vintage Glam Studio & link back to my blog, so others can obtain the resources. Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook are great social media sharing platforms, it’s the sharing without a link back that can be a problem.
You can access the pdf file>>> Doodled Floral 2014 Goals Planner.
Or if you like, click on the picture below for the download.
And here’s a second version, that will fit an a5 planner.
You can access the pdf file>>> 2014 Goals Planner, or if you like CLICK on the image below.
Image Credit:
Most of my elements are made from commercial use, public domain pictures and scanned vintage ephemera sources; however. if any designer feels their copyright has been infringed upon the freebie will promptly be removed and the freebie will no longer be made available. Designers vary in their restrictions for their terms of use (even for CU items), so although I try to be scrupulous, I may miss some.
Hello Dru,
I’m Franzi, i’m from Germany and I LOVE reading your blog … In my opinion the freebies you create are a kind of art! I really enjoy visiting your lovely blog (nearly) everyday. This little calender is exactly what I need (I’m trying to make something like a scrapbook for 2014). THANKS a lot, that you share your colorful ideas with your readers (and this for free!!!).
P.S.: Please excuse my English, but as I already said I’m German 🙂
Wow!…It’s always so delightful hearing from fans across the globe (always wanted to travel outside of the US) as well as local ones. Thank you so much. I’ve had a trying past two weeks and your comment just cheered me up! 🙂
Merci beaucoup ! C’est très joli !!
I found your blog looking for a Daily To Do List that was pretty and whimsical. That’s exactly what I found, and then I started looking around and found this page, too 🙂 Thanks so much for offering it for free.
(as an aside to Franzi from Germany: your English is perfect. Well done.)
I’m glad that you all enjoy the Daily To Do List and are finding it useful.