Some people hit the ground running when they set up their blog! They already know what they are are going to write about and they are bursting at the seams to express themselves while others find it a chore close to the most difficult household jobs you need to perform… like cleaning the oven or other tough cleaning jobs.
If your sole object for writing your blog is to serve as a journal of sorts for only yourself and a few friends to read that is fine. However, your whole plan will have to change if you want to attract visitors to your site.
So here goes, the official beginning of this blog and the first few words in print.
This blog was created to provide articles, book reviews, shopping reviews of stores in the Los Angeles and Orange County area and online resources, and some personal stories on vintage costume jewelry, decorative home decor, vintage collectibles, vintage ephemera, and retro fashion accessories—many of the things which I collect.
While I wouldn’t consider myself “cool” or “hip” (I’m not young enough) nor in the granny stage (I’m not old enough), you’ll find this blog to be a collection of some of my musings.
Probably a mish mash of my thoughts and observations in my pursuit of vintage collectibles and retro finds, ideally, an area for like-minded people who like and enjoy vintage, retro and antique collectibles.